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When we’re working on our business it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. We can be focused on the tasks at hand, doing the grind, and be discouraged about the lack of progress we’re making. Instead of staying in the grind, it’s time to lift our heads up and celebrate! This […]

A photo of a woman business owner looking up and confetti falling all around her as she celebrates her business for a christian business podcast.

How Celebrating Success Can Build a Stronger Business

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We have a special treat for you on today’s women in business podcast. Joining us today is Barbara LaPolla with Jase Accounting Solutions, which offers CFO services plus bookkeeping to small business owners. If all of that talking about accounting just made your head spin, then this episode is for you. Barbara is helping us […]

A podcast cover for a christian womens podcast about how to break down your numbers and accounting with a guest podcaster

Breaking Down Your Numbers

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Ready to Make it Happen in Your Business and Acheive Your Goals? Do you spend more time working ON your business instead of IN your business? If you are struggling to get the deep work done – tasks that take an hour or longer to really get into – then you might be suffering from […]

A white podcast graphic for a christian womens business podcast with yellow accents and the words Make it Happen, Achieving your goals through strategic planning.

Make It Happen and Achieve Your Goals Through Strategic Planning

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The Value of Clarity- Investing in Yourself Is Never a Waste of Money Some people have amazing sales pages that rope us into purchasing something that we think we need, but only end up regretting later. It happens to the best of us. At the time, it feels like a waste of money and it […]

A podcast cover title with two women sitting on a brown leather couch and a sound wave graphic with the title it is not a waste of money if it brings clarity for a womens business podcast for christian entreprenuers

Investing in Yourself Is Never a Waste of Money

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Mark Twain said, “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” It sounds so easy, but why do we struggle with this so much? There can be a lot of fear in starting something new – but the biggest difference between those who have a successful business and those who don’t – is the ones […]

A picture of a cell phone overlayed with a picture of two Christian women's podcasters for a Christian business podcast for women.

From Fear to Freedom: The Key to Getting Ahead in Business

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Summertime is right around the corner – and with it comes the sun, pool time, and a more relaxed pace. But for many, it can also bring the challenge of how to get the work done when your kids are home. All too often, you can feel the tension between getting work done in your […]

A Yellow graphic with white stars and what words that say Preparing for a productive summer. A graphic for a Christian women's business podcast and online businesses.

Preparing for a Productive Summer: Advice for Business Owners

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Welcome to this week’s podcast bonus episode – Beth Hess! Beth is a messaging coach who helps owners learn about the words they use in their business to talk about themselves. This is a deep dive into marketing and how Unleashing Your Potential- Own Your Awesomeness will skyrocket your business!  Telling People’s Stories Beth is […]

A graphic of a Christian woman business owner smiling and blue words talking about unleashing your potential and owning your amazingness.

Unleashing Your Potential- Own Your Awesomeness

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We’ve all seen the businesses who are just starting out – sadly, most of the time you can spot them a mile away. They tend to have bad graphics, no cohesive brand, poor photos, and unclear messaging… The sad part is, there are a lot of great things about working with those who are just […]

Two Christian women podcasters sitting with their podcast mics looking at each other talking about 10 ways to make your business legitimate online for a Christian women's business podcast.

10 Ways to Build a Strong and Legitimate Online Presence for Your Business

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What does the bible actually say about rest? You’d probably be surprised if you read it and looked at what it says about rest and work! In Genesis 1, God creates the universe and he also sets up the day in a different way than you would think – he sets it up for rest, […]

A blue graphic that says episode 16 redefining rest. You need more than just self-care to thrive as a part of a Christian women's business podcast.

Redefining Rest: You Need More Than Just Self-Care to Thrive

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Being an entrepreneur can be lonely, especially if you are a work from home solopreneur. The work might be fun and fulfilling, but it can get old doing the work on your own day in and day out. God created us to be in community! We need other people speaking into our lives and encouraging […]

Two women hugging with words that say how to find your business bestie in yellow and blue graphic font for their Christian womens business podcast.

How to Find Your Business Bestie