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If you have a website, a social media account, or a sales page, then you need good photos. Your photos tell a story and stories sell. Not sure how to get started with good photos? We’re talking all about how you can get the most bang for your buck with photos and why investing in good photos is essential to your business.

A black and white image of two Christian business podcast for women ladies looking at the back of a camera for their Christian business women's podcast.

Why Investing in Good Photos is Essential to Your Business

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It’s time to develop your captivating elevator pitch to draw them into the conversation and share the value that you are adding to the world through your business! Learn how creating a captivating elevator pitch might be just what you need! 

A photo of two women looking down in front of their computers and podcast mics with words that say creating a captivating elevator pitch for a Christian womens podcast.

Creating a Captivating Elevator Pitch

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Making decisions about what programs to use in your business can be overwhelming! We know we need them – but which ones are right for your business and how do you choose? We’re diving into this topic today on our women in business podcast, including choosing the right programs for your business and the top 5 we cannot live without! 

A photo of a bouquet of pencils and the words 5 business programs we can't live without for a Christian women's business podcast.

Choosing the Right Programs for Your Business

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We’re in our final week of the Do You Want Fries With That Series on Selling! This week we’re wrapping it up by talking about receiving immediate feedback and adjusting your offer in your business. Sometimes what we’re offering isn’t what people want or need and you need to make some adjustments to your product. This doesn’t mean throwing out your whole funnel – it means it’s time to look at what needs to be tweaked. 

Graphic for a women's christian business podcast that says episode 10 do you want fries with that: receiving immediate feedback and adjusting your offer.

Receiving Immediate Feedback and Adjusting Your Offer in Your Business

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Whether you are just starting out in your online business, or you’ve been serving your clients and customers for years, actually selling your products well can be a real challenge. We’re in week 3 of a 4 part series and we’re taking a look at what other businesses have done well – like fast food restaurants – and applying those strategies to ours. This week, on our women in business podcast, we’re tackling how to help your customer say no. Yes, you read that right – sometimes you actually want them to say no!

A light blue graphic for a women's christian business podcast that says episode 9 do you want fries with that and how to help your customer say no.

Do You Want Fries With That? How to Help Your Customer Say No

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Whether you are just starting out in your online business, or you’ve been serving your clients and customers for years, actually selling your products well can be a real challenge. We’re in week 2 of a 4 part series and we’re taking a look at what other businesses have done well – like fast food restaurants – and applying those strategies to ours. This week, on our women in business podcast, we’re diving into opening the sales door without being pushy so you can make sales without feeling icky! 

Blue graphic with a picture of french fries that says new Episode 8 opening the sales door without being pushy for a women's christian business podcast.

Do You Want Fries With That? Opening the Sales Door Without Being Pushy

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Whether you are just starting out in your online business, or you’ve been serving your clients and customers for years, actually selling your products well can be a real challenge. For the next 4 weeks, we’re taking a look at what other businesses have done well, like fast food restaurants, and applying those strategies to ours. This week, we’re chatting all about serving and upselling clients and customers in your business. 

Yellow graphic with a picture of different kinds of french fries on a blue background. Words that say Serving and Upselling Clients and Customers in Your Business for a Christian Women's Podcast

Do you want Fries with That? Serving and Upselling Clients and Customers in Your Business

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There’s a danger as we’re starting or scaling a business. That is to do what many ambitious entrepreneurs do – plow ahead, doing the hard work, but ultimately keeping your faith and business separate. Today on our Christian podcast for women, we’re talking all about inviting God into your business.  Even if your faith isn’t […]

A dark blue background with a yellow phone graphic with yellow static lines in the background. In the middle is a photo of two women sitting on a couch back to back.

Inviting God into Your Business

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Every business owner – whether you are a coach, creative, or course-creator, hits a point in their business when consistency and hard work aren’t working. You’re doing the work, but the results simply aren’t there.  It’s in these moments it’s so easy to just give up. Other business podcasts might give you complicated strategies – […]

A blue background with a broken image of two women breaking pencils and words that say when consistency and hard work aren't paying off

When Consistency and Hard Work Aren’t Working

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Why is no one talking about $1K months? Why is all the talk about having $10k and $50K months in online business? There’s no shame about starting, and even staying small in your business.  In this Christian podcasts for women episode, we’re breaking down why you need to start with $1K months in your business […]

Light blue graphic with squares and words that say why is no one talking about $1k months

Why is No One Talking About 1K Months?