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Today we’re breaking down why being clear is actually an act of kindness in our businesses, for ourselves, our clients, and our team. Often, we omit essential details, attempting to be “nice” by avoiding topics like pricing or refund policies. However, this lack of clarity can leave our clients and team members feeling disconnected and […]

Two Christian women business owners and podcasters sit looking at a graphic that is talking about being clear and kind in your business.

Being Clear is Kind When It Comes to Your Christian Business

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If you have been in business for any amount of time you know that growth and change are part of owning a business.  When it is time to change and pivot, inevitably anxiety follows. Pivots are a huge part of owning a business. It is a constant evolution. Today on our Christian Business Podcast for […]

A Christian business podcast about overcoming anxiety in entrepreneurship.

Overcoming Pivot Anxiety in Entrepreneurship

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This time of year can be focused on getting – new clothes, new household items, and lots of other amazing gifts. What if, instead, we took a few moments to think about what we need to eliminate? What is it in our lives that we need to leave behind in 2023? Now is a great […]

A Christian woman podcaster is sitting in a pink shirt leaning on her hand with the words It's time to hit unsuscribe about her Christian women's business podcast.

It’s Time To Hit Unsubscribe

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You don’t have to feel behind when the calendar rolls from one year to the next. You can actually put your business ahead by doing some work now in December. What you need is an action plan. On today’s podcast we’re not only talking about how to create that action plan, but also why you […]

A podcast cover for a Christian womens business podcast about why you should plan for the new year in the 4th quarter.

Why You Should Plan for the New Year in the 4th Quarter

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Raise your hand if you have ever thought that you would never make it, that you aren’t good enough, that you will never be as good as…fill in the blank. Everyone feels this from time to time. The key is not to get stuck in it. Today on the Christian women in business podcast, we […]

Two women business podcasters looking at each other with words that say how to overcome imposter syndrome.

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

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It’s really easy to get stuck in a cycle of thinking “I’m not a success” or “my business isn’t working” and it can be downright discouraging! But it’s not necessarily true – we’re just stuck in a moment. We have to have a way to define success and measure it so we can see clearly […]

A white background with two Christian women business owners who have a podcast called the Christian business breakdown. The image is a phone with a picture of two women sitting back to back on an orange couch talking about how to redefine success and encouragement for entrepreneurs.

Redefining Success: Encouragement for Entrepreneurs

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We’ve all been there: on the edge of a breakdown. The overwhelm comes, the stress gets to us and our brain goes “that’s enough!” It looks different for everyone, which can make it a challenge to identify when it’s coming. But there are always red flags we can pay attention to. Today we’re breaking down […]

This graphic of two Christian women business owners sitting up against a wall with graphics for a podcast about navigating breakdowns in your business and are you ignoring red flags.

Navigating Breakdowns: Are You Ignoring the Red Flags?

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You asked. We answered. This is a question we’ve gotten a lot: what’s the difference between being a Christ-owned business and being a Christed-based business. It really comes down to which kind of audience you want to serve. We’re breaking down how you can decide what’s going to be best for you  and your business […]

A graphic for a Christian womens Business podcast with two circles with headshots for two Christian business owners and the words Godly Entrepreneurship- How Godly-Entrepreneurship-How to Show Up as a Christian In Your Business

Godly Entrepreneurship: How to Show Up as a Christian In Your Business

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Time for a science lesson today on the women in business podcast! Newton’s 1st Law of Motion says that an object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion. What does this have to do with business? Everything! We have to be ruthless about eliminating anything that comes in our […]

A bright yellow graphic with a phone and a picture of a Christian Business owner and podcast that is asking the question Is instant gratification killing your momentum.

Is Instant Gratification Killing Your Business Momentum

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Are you wearing pajamas or comfy clothes while you listen to this podcast? As a small business owner, the benefits of working from home are amazing – like being able to wear what we want while we work! But, there are also some downsides, too. There can be a tension between work and life, handling […]

Two Christian women business owners and podcasters looking at each other. A graphic that is talking about how to be profitable in your pajamas and work from home.

Profitable Pajamas: How to Be a Work From Home CEO