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Self-Investment Secrets: Fueling Your Entrepreneurial Journey

A christian womens business podcast about investing in yourself as a business owner. A woman sitting at a table looking at a journal.

Investing in yourself is not the same as self-care. Self-care is in the moment, and is important for us to do each day. Self-Investment means doing bigger, more purposeful deposits in yourself to fuel your business. We’re diving into how you can do this, especially in the summer months when our schedules have a little bit more flexibility. Join us as we dive into self-investment secrets- fueling your entrepreneurial journey. 

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Our businesses are usually centered around something we love doing. But sometimes you can get bogged down by the business side and it’s easy to lose your creativity. Investing in something that gets you fired up again, or and refuels your creativity. This might mean doing a side project for someone as a gift or simply making time to do something you love. It could also mean taking a class or going to a workshop to just take a break from the grind of the day to day. 

Well Being and Mental Health

While this might sound a little like self-care, it’s more than that. This is about looking at the season you are in and making both a time and energy commitment to do something regularly that can be helpful to you. The start of school can be a great time of year for a “new year’s resolution” without the pressure  of it being the actual start of the year. This is going to be unique to you and the season you are in. 

Fellowship as Self-Investment

We were made to be in community with others, especially with believers. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely at times. We need to seek out fellowship. This can be as inexpensive as taking a fellow entrepreneur out to coffee or investing in a networking or chamber group. Retreats, bible studies, classes are all ways to find fellowship with like-minded people. These investments will pay huge dividends in the long run for both you and your business! 

Self-Investment Secrets- Fueling Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Not everything has to be business related. You might need to think outside the box. When we invest in ourselves, we automatically invest in our businesses – because we are our business. We challenge you to find ONE thing to invest in that will help you and your business this summer and feul your entrprenerial jorney by using these self-investment secrets.

Other Episodes Mentioned Today

Redefining Rest: You Need More Than Just Self-Care to Thrive

How to Find Your Business Bestie

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Make Expert Business Decisions with our ADDS Model Guide!

-Learn how Power Planning will help you get the deep work done so you can quit avoiding it.

-Having a unique framework in your business can set you apart in your business with our Framework Blueprint Guide

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