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Making Expert Business Decisions

A yellow graphic with a freshly sharpened pencil and the shavings with words saying making expert business decsions by womens business podcast.

Making Expert Business Decisions: Overview of the ADDS Model

Feeling overwhelmed by all of the expert business decisions you have to make in your faith-led woman owned business? It can be so overwhelming. Take social media for example. Have you ever just scrolled through Instagram or Facebook and just looked at the ads in your feed? In less than 5 minutes, you’ll likely find 10+ ads – all giving you advice about different aspects of your business.

Often, they are giving contradictory advice. Who do you listen to? How do you know what strategy to implement in your coaching, course-based, or creative business? What happens when you are just paralyzed by making decisions? Join us on our women in business podcast, The Christian Business Breakdown, to find out how to sort through the noise and make the best decisions for YOUR business!

Other business podcasts

Other business podcasts are going to just give you strategies and information without helping you know if it’s actually the right decision for you, in your business, right now. Our goal is to equip you with some of our “decision making energy” to help you have a practical strategy to implement in your business regularly, Introducing…the ADDS Model! This strategy is helpful for any stage of your business building journey.

The 4-Step ADDS Model

A – Step 1 is to analyze – does this strategy meet an immediate need in my business? 

D – Step 2 is to discern – is this the right move for me, right now?

D – Step 3 is to decide – am I willing to go all-in on this strategy?

S – Step 4 is to create a success marker – how will I measure my success with this decision? How long will I go all-in on this strategy?

Be the expert

Whether you are deciding what course to buy, whether to implement a new strategy, or simply download a freebie – begin with this model and ask these four questions. Stop playing defense in your online business – trying to let everyone else tell yo u what to do. It’s time to be the expert of your business, make empowered decisions that work for you.

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Tired of struggling to make decisions in your business? If you want to feel confident about making the right choice every time, get our free ADDS Model Guide: Making Expert Business Decisions. Be the empowered CEO your business needs! Check out our website for more practical tips for your faith-led business.

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