The Value of Clarity- Investing in Yourself Is Never a Waste of Money
Some people have amazing sales pages that rope us into purchasing something that we think we need, but only end up regretting later. It happens to the best of us. At the time, it feels like a waste of money and it can be very easy to beat ourselves up over a mistaken purchase. But there is always something to be learned, even in our mistakes. We’re diving into the value of clarity- how investing in yourself is never a waste of money on today’s episode!
Stop Beating Yourself Up- It isn’t a waste of money
You don’t need to beat yourself up. There is always something to learn when you’ve invested in yourself. Challenge yourself to look at your purchase from a different perspective. Can you learn something from this? The answer is almost always yes. Be curious about what you were able to glean from the investment.
Be a Good Steward
We don’t need to be stingy – we do need to be investing ourselves. But we can do it wisely and with discernment. Taking on debt wisely and also being careful about how we invest our time helps us be a better business owner. It’s not just about money, though, it’s also about our time, our energy, and our skills and abilities.
Find What Works for You– The value of clarity
Lots of people will tell you what you “should” do – and we can often “should” on ourselves. Sometimes we have to find out the hard way that a strategy or an idea just isn’t for us. In the end, you have to decide what works for you and matches your values. Figuring that out is a process and might mean trying something that doesn’t work first.
Want to make sure it isn’t a waste of money in the future?
Grab our free guide to helping you make expert decisions in your business. You can feel confident about making those decisions – big and small – in your business. Start with this free guide! We hope this has helped you with the value of clarity and how investing in yourself is never a waste of money.
Need a little empowerment in your life? Need a little encouragement, prayer, or just plain tough love? We’re here for it! Book an Empowerment Call with us as we take a peek into your business, offer some advice, and help you get past the roadblocks you might be facing. Sign up here.
Registration for the Make It Happen Weekend is now open and we’ve only got 6 spots available! Join us for 4 days in the mountains of Colorado to get the breakthrough your business needs to thrive for the rest of 2023! Sign up now!
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